Understanding your bill
Your bill is calculated by adding together the costs for your energy usage plus any relevant taxes or charges.
Your electricity bill is made up of four parts:
To work out the cost of your usage, you’ll need the 'Present Reading' from your last bill (found under ‘Usage Details’) and also a current meter reading.
If you are on Day/Night rates, you’ll need separate Present Readings and current meter readings for Day and Night.
If you have a night storage heater on a separate meter, you’ll also need individual readings.
To calculate the cost for your usage, use the following formula:
(Current Meter Reading – previous Present Reading) x Unit Rate
You can find your unit rate on your bill.
These are calculated by the number of days in your billing period (usually 30 or 60). You can find your current rate for standing charges on your bill or by looking up your tariff online.
This is calculated by the number of months in your billing period (usually 2). The Public Service Obligation (PSO) levy for electricity has been set at €3.23/€3.52 (ex./inc. VAT) per month from Oct 1 2024. This applies to all domestic electricity customers, irrespective of supplier.
VAT is charged on electricity usage, standing charges and PSO levy at 9%.
Your gas bill is made up of four parts:
To work out the cost for your usage you’ll need the 'Present Reading' from your last bill (found under ‘Usage Details’). You’ll also need a current meter reading.
If your reading is in m3:
(Current Meter Reading – Last Present Reading) x Conversion Factor x Unit Rate
If your reading is in hcf:
(Current Meter Reading – Last Present Reading) x Conversion Factor x Unit Rate
These will only be estimates since the Conversion Factor varies between 11 and 12.
Standing charges are calculated by the number of days in your billing period. Our current gas standing charges are 38.28 cents per day (excluding VAT).
Carbon tax is calculated at €0.00877 per kWh (excluding VAT).
To calculate your usage in kWh:
(Current Meter Reading – Last Present Reading) x Conversion Factor
VAT is charged on gas usage, standing charges and the carbon tax at 9%.
Monday to Friday: 8am - 6:30pm