This credit payment will appear on your bill as ‘CEG payment’. Once the credit is applied to your account, it will appear on your following bill. If you either changed supplier or moved property within these times, you’ll still receive your CEG payment and receive your last payment by cheque.
You’ll receive these payments as a top-up and they will appear on your next statement as ‘CEG payment’. The maximum top-up amount is €100, in the event your CEG payment exceeds this limit we will have to issue you with 2 separate top-up codes. If you either changed supplier or moved property within these times, you’ll still receive your CEG payment and receive your last payment by cheque.
If you either changed supplier or moved property within these times, you will still receive your CEG payment via cheque addressed and made payable to the registered account holder/s on file at the time of issue.
Smart Pay As You Go customer will receive a Clean Export Guarantee (CEG) payment every three months i.e. four times a year, in February, May, August and November. You’ll receive these payments as a top-up that will be added to your active balance on your account and will appear on your next statement as ‘CEG Payment’. If you either changed supplier or moved property within these times, you’ll still receive your CEG payment which will appear on your final statement.
Monday to Friday: 8am - 6:30pm