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Understanding your bill

Notification of Gas Pass-Through Charges Change 2024/25

As indicated in your gas supply contract, the gas charge within your tariff reflects your risk management approach e.g. fixed gas price, for the contract duration. You can also see this in the pricing proposal which SSE Airtricity gas supply contract provided for regulated Pass-Through charges and how these charges would be treated under the contract.

What are Pass-Through Charges?

Pass-Through charges are relevant third-party costs, charges, taxes, duties, levies, tariffs or any government-imposed charges, which relate to the supply and distribution of energy to a building including, but not limited to, Distribution Use of Systems (DUoS) and Transmission Use of Systems (TUoS) charges and VAT.

Pass-Through charges are used to pay for common services for all gas consumers and these charges are subject to approval from the Regulator. The changes in these charges apply to all suppliers equally.

The Distribution and Transmission Transportation Pass-Through charges for the 2024/2025 period will be applied to your bill from 01 October 2024 and the effect of these changes on your current contract prices are set out below;

Gas Networks Ireland (“GNI”) Distribution Tariffs for gas year 2024/2025

  1. Capacity Charges have increased circa 29.9% compared to 2023/2024 charges.
  2. Commodity Charges have increased circa 26.2% compared to 2023/2024 charges.

Gas Networks Ireland Transmission Tariffs for gas year 2024/2025

  1. Capacity Charges have increased circa 2.4% compared to 2023/2024 charges.
  2. Commodity Charges have increased circa 9.6% compared to 2023/2024 charges.

UK Gas Transmission Transportation Charges 2024/2025

  1. Capacity Charges have decreased circa 40.9% compared to 2023/2024 charges.
  2. Commodity Charges have decreased circa 50.3% compared to 2023/2024 charges.

The Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) Distribution and Transmission transportation charges are regulated and approved by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (“CRU”). The UK National Transmission System (NTS) Charge is published by National Grid and approved by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem).

The changes in Distribution and Transmission Transportation Pass-Through charges vary, the exact change in your bill will depend on your tariff type and consumption pattern. All the new charges will be applied to your bills for consumption from 1 October 2024.

If you would like a copy of the document, have any questions about your new tariffs or any other aspect of your service from SSE Airtricity, we’re here to help. Contact our Corporate Accounts Team on 0818 92 77 75 for Large Business Customers and 0818 81 21 44 for small, medium and enterprise customers.

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